

Vision: A Uganda where children and young women live a sustainable life free from exploitation.
Mission: To promote and protect the rights of vulnerable children and young women through education, livelihood development and health initiatives.
Our Objectives

  • To create a safe learning environment for vulnerable children & young women to access meaningful quality education. (Contributing to SDG 4.)
  • Develop skills and positive attitude among children and young women towards employment for decent work and enterprise development. (Contributing SDG 4 and 8)
  • To increase, demand, access and utilization of quality, affordable and appropriate health care services for Children and young women. (SDG 3)
  • Develop skills needed for sustainable community development, understanding global issues, promotion of peace and non-violence and appreciation of cultural diversity. (Contributing to SDG 4.7)
  • End violence against children and women (contributing to SGD 5 and 16.)
  • Developed programs to combat climate change and its impact on children, women and communities (contributing to SDG 13)

Our target population
Uganda’s target population is children exploited in labor, sexually exploited young women, those at risks as well as their Male Counterparts. We operate within the slum and semi-urban areas. We define children as below the age of 18 years. This age is very crucial for the development of children for their wellbeing. We define young women as females from 10-24 years that is too vulnerable and need a lot of guidance in decision making. We define male counterparts as any male who is significant in the wellbeing of the targeted children and young women.