Target population
Our target population are children exploited in labor, sexually exploited young women, those at risks as well as their Male Counterparts. We operate within the slum and semi-urban areas. We define children as below the age of 18 years. This age is very crucial for the development of children for their wellbeing. We define young women as females from 10-24 years that is too vulnerable and need a lot of guidance in decision making. We define male counterparts as any male who is significant in the wellbeing of the targeted children and young women. our focus areas are slums and semi-Urban areas.
We reach out to victims of Child labor, Sexual exploitation, Gender based violence, victims of climate change, TB/HIV + children and affected families and those at Risk.
Education is a transformative tool for personal and community development. Inclusive and equitable quality education for all with a broader ecosystem that supports sustained learning outcomes is our focus. Programs support Toddler, children and young women to access early childhood development, primary and secondary education, and literacy and numeracy skills through scholarships, teacher training, building environmentally safe schools, Education approach include Child to Child approach to learning, Nyumba Kumi community education groups, REAL fathers approach to Early childhood Development Education, Supporting Children’s Rights through Education, the Arts and the Media | International Labour Organization (SCREAM) an education and social mobilization approach, to help educators promote understanding and awareness of child labor among young people, Psychological first AID an approach aimed at ensuring a sound mental health for children at school.
Through these initiatives, we are dedicated to shaping futures by providing educational opportunities that break the cycle of poverty and empower future generations. Your support plays a critical role in helping us achieve our mission to make education accessible, inclusive, and impactful for all.
Health program
We are committed to preventing epidemics, promoting sexual and reproductive health, and advocating against harmful health behaviors. We enhance the health and well-being of vulnerable children, young women, and their male counterparts through raising awareness, offer health support, referral and linkages to health centers and service providers, We employ the Tiko digital health platform which upports young people on their journey to youth-friendly, quality healthcare within their own community bringing together community mobilisers, health service providers and local retailers to facilitate and reward positive health-seeking behaviors. Peer-to-peer approach, Community Art murals, Treatment Buddies, Sensitization workshops, Private sector engagement, referral and linkage, community health outreach and camps, community health corners, digital health hubs.
Economic strengthening
we are committed to empowering vulnerable children, young women, and their male counterparts through livelihood and social entrepreneurship initiatives. Our livelihood empowerment programs aim to equip these individuals with technical and vocational skills. These efforts focus on withdrawing vulnerable children and young women from exploitation including Gender based violence, intimate partner violence and violence against children. We provide life skills development and offering career guidance to build a foundation for a better future. Additionally, we support with psycho-social support, counseling, and resettlement services to ensure smooth integration into society.
ITC as an employment solution
Our technology adoption initiatives promote innovation among women to enhance employability. We offer training in essential ICT skills such as basic ICT skills, graphic designing and media editing, Research, innovation and marketing, website designing among others. Our ICT program focus on fostering creativity, innovation, and employment skills among vulnerable young women. In our ICT hub, practical lessons are conducted by experts, monthly workshops are held, business tours, and mentorship are held. Our bi-annual internship programs offer hands-on experience, while annual refresher training ensures young entrepreneurs have the tools to run sustainable and legal enterprises.